Work - It’s Important

For some of us, our work defines who we are. Consider how you introduce yourself to some people. I’m John and I’m a Teacher. I’m Sally and I’m a Chemist. We are saying we “are” a job rather than just doing a job. Work can have meaning in our lives. Work allows us to turn a passion into something of value for someone else.

No matter our profession of choice, what we do matters. We may spend our time in an operating room transplanting an organ so someone has a renewed lease on life. We may spend our time serving customer in a restaurant. We may spend our time processing paperwork. No matter the work, it matters. People depend on us and what we do to enable other parts of our lives. Even if you feel your work is “just processing paperwork” it may be applications so someone can get the loan they really need to buy their dream house. It may be processing insurance claims so people can get the help they need. It may be processing purchase orders so your organization can get the resources they depend on and so your business partners earn their reward for having a great product or service.

This may be a new way to view your job. At Bedrock Learning Services, no job is meaningless. Here is our take on it.




Words Matter