What We Do

We want people to be better at what they do this year than last year.


Our Mission

We are passionate about training the right things. We feel strongly that training is the biggest influence in someone’s career and livelihood. We want training programs to help people be better in their jobs this year than they were last year.

We have worked as trainers, designers, project managers, and leaders in the learning & development and talent management teams. We have refined and focused our efforts on the front-end analysis and ensuring we build our training programs on solid bedrock.


We consult

We come to you and work with you and your learners to do an analysis and determine training priorities.

We Train

We can train your team to have the skills and knowledge necessary for a strong training analysis.

Case Studies


Warehouse Packers

Reduce training time by up to 23%.

Restaurant Servers

Improve learner satisfaction by up to 72%.

Customer Service

Increase day-one performance of learners on the job by up to 18%.

Lending Specialists

Reduce mistakes by up to 47%.


Improve knowledge retention in training by up to 21 percentage points.
